Yet another game in pico-8 that's similar to celeste classic. Likely my last.

Hope you enjoy, its ridiculously difficult though!

ZO (jump)
XX (dash)
Arrow Keys
Up/Down/Left/Right (move/dash-direction/select)


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I love Celeste and precision platformers in general, I've played a lot of Celeste Classic mods and this is one of the best Celeste Classic mods I've played. It's challenging, but fun. Good job!

I wish that people will keep making Celeste Classic mods.


There are quite a few mods on lexaloffle (the main sorta website for pico8), and there are whole collections and jams of mods like and many of these have ridiculously high polish and quality.


I didn't make it all the way up the mountain, but I enjoyed what I saw! Great stuff. I was a bit confused as to whether I was making dialogue choices for the human or the demon.


You were making the dialogue choices for the demon, they’re the only character you control, you control the human indirectly through the demon :)