EDIT: Its  been like 1 1/2 years since I posted this, and I must say: This is the worst game I have ever posted online, yet it some how has the most views, like 3,000, while none of my other games have even close to that. That's likely because this has an interesting name, and not pressing the button is an instruction that people are not likely to follow. Anyway, a note to those who expect a good game (and to tell people to look at my newer stuff).

When I was exporting the game to WebGL the shading and mouse sensitivity got messed up, but I hope you can still enjoy this (very) short game.

This is my second published game! I made a game before this, but I couldn't export it to WebGL due to some problems with playing videos (The game had been inspired by henry stickman). 

The tools I used for this game are tha same as the ones for my previous game, which you can see there. However I made this completely by myself exept for a tutorial for the camera rotation. I used Cosca Ceoli for the music and Procreae for the game page icon.


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nice job void 
